Toots, Tilden

    Pagina Catalogata come Personaggi dei libri - Adulti

Toots Tilden nacque nel 1959 .

Dirigeva un programma radiofonico che parlava di piante ed erbologia in generale, in cui parlava anche del Tranello del Diavolo , la famosa pianta trappola. Inventò la procedura dei "Tre pollici verdi", visto che aveva questa peculiarità...

Toots è sposato con l'autrice Daisy Hookum ed ha un accento del West Country.


Radio Personality. "Bouncing bulbs losing height? Devil's Snare merely tickling? Fanged Geranium nothing but gums? Then tune your wireless to Toots, Shoots 'n' Roots the award-winning herbology presented by ~Tilden Toots,~ 'the wizard with three green thumbs'" (JKR). Toots is married to author Daisy Hookum and has a broad West Country accent.
You can listen to Toots' radio show by turning on the radio in the "Extras" page of JKR's website. On that show he tells Georgina Smythe how to revive her Flitterbloom plant (and thus tells us how to revive the one on the Locked Door page as well). He was JKR's Wizard of the Month for March 2007 (JKR).

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(EID 114 - REV 2 By Cosetto_Silverwing)
November 25, 2009

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